
Java collections in detail
Java collections in detail

java collections in detail

It is used to fetch all the elements that lies within the given range. It is used to create a spliterator over the elements in a list. It is used to sort the elements of the list on the basis of the specified comparator. It is used to replace the specified element in the list, present at the specified position. It is used to retain all the elements in the list that are present in the specified collection. It is used to replace all the elements from the list with the specified element. It is used to remove all the elements lies within the given range. Protected void removeRange(int fromIndex, int toIndex) It is used to remove all the elements from the list that satisfies the given predicate. It is used to remove all the elements from the list. It is used to remove the first occurrence of the specified element. It is used to remove the element present at the specified position in the list. It is used to return the index in this list of the first occurrence of the specified element, or -1 if the List does not contain this element. It returns true if the list contains the specified element. It is used to return a shallow copy of an ArrayList. It is used to return an array containing all of the elements in this list in the correct order. It is used to return the index in this list of the last occurrence of the specified element, or -1 if the list does not contain this element. It returns true if the list is empty, otherwise false. It is used to fetch the element from the particular position of the list. It is used to enhance the capacity of an ArrayList instance. Void ensureCapacity(int requiredCapacity) It is used to remove all of the elements from this list. It is used to append all the elements in the specified collection, starting at the specified position of the list. It is used to append all of the elements in the specified collection to the end of this list, in the order that they are returned by the specified collection's iterator. It is used to append the specified element at the end of a list. It is used to insert the specified element at the specified position in a list. It is used to build an array list that has the specified initial capacity. It is used to build an array list that is initialized with the elements of the collection c. Public class ArrayList extends AbstractList implements List, RandomAccess, Cloneable, Serializable It is required to use the required wrapper class in such cases. We can not create an array list of the primitive types, such as int, float, char, etc.In ArrayList, manipulation is a little bit slower than the LinkedList in Java because a lot of shifting needs to occur if any element is removed from the array list.Java ArrayList allows random access because the array works on an index basis.Java ArrayList class is non synchronized.Java ArrayList class maintains insertion order.Java ArrayList class can contain duplicate elements.The important points about the Java ArrayList class are: It inherits the AbstractList class and implements List interface. The ArrayList maintains the insertion order internally. It implements the List interface so we can use all the methods of the List interface here. The ArrayList in Java can have the duplicate elements also. So, it is much more flexible than the traditional array. It is like an array, but there is no size limit. The List interface also defines range-view operations: Example of using the subList() method: import  ArrayList class uses a dynamic array for storing the elements. By calling t('a'), we modify every element by replacing it with 'a'. These work in the same manner as hasNext() and next(), just in the opposite direction.Īlso notice how we are able to modify the list during the iteration. In addition to hasNext() and next(), the ListIterator also has access to hasPrevious() and previous() methods. Notice how we create a new instance of ListIterator from calling arra圜hars.listIterator().


Run this code and you will get the following output: a b c c b a a a a A basic example of a collection in Java: import java.util.* public class MainClass Collections make it easy to group similar elements together and perform iterations and aggregations on groups of elements. What are collections in Java?Ī collection is an object that groups elements together into a single unit. We'll then examine each Collection interface including in depth explanations and examples for each. We'll introduce Java collections by explaining what they are, the collection hierarchy, and general benefits of using Java collections. In this tutorial, we'll look at Java collections in depth. You've already seen how we use lambda expressions to make working with collections easier.

Java collections in detail